Who is this for?

  • If you have purchase the Digestive Reset Book and would like a more customized and individualized recommendations tailored to your health goals

  • If you want to know where you are before you start the Digestive Reset Challenge and then see how much damage you have reversed by following the 12 weeks challenge

What is included?

  • (2) Foundational Seasonal Bloodworks
  • (1) Hair Toxicity & Deficiency Test
  • (1) Printable PDF Personalized Lab Results Booklet
  • (2) 1-on-1 bloodwork review with Dr. Justin where he will show you what is going on, what steps you need to take, and give you personalized recommendations using food, supplements, herbs, etc... to correct the underlying cause.


The 4 Season Lab Bundle came about because the "normal ranges" and even the "functional ranges" on bloodwork did NOT take into account how the body adapts to the changes in the seasons. They neglect to calculate what the body requires in each season to promote healing and change

  • You need more cholesterol in the fall and winter than in the spring and summer to balance out hormones
  • You need more fat in your blood in the fall and winter (triglycerides) than in the spring and summer to make cholesterol
  • Your liver enzymes will be higher in the spring & fall as you detox
  • Your insulin and glucose levels will be lower in the spring & summer than in the fall and winter to stimulate weight loss

These labs give us a detailed picture of how you interact with your environment, food, seasons, stress, supplementation, and exercise. They also tell us which organs, tissues, and cells are struggling.

With all this information from the labs & seasonal concepts we will be able to work with your body and give it what it needs (food, supplements, herbs, exercise, etc..) to restore function and balance in the season

Who is this for?

  • If you have purchase one of our Seasonal Challenges or are part of the 4 Season Challenge and would like a more customized and individualized recommendations tailored to your health goals as we work with the body in the appropriate season

  • If you want to know where you are at before you start each season and then see how much progress you have made each and every season towards your health goal. It is fun to see all the hard work you did over the season and who doesn't want to see the "life-long disease" disappear.

What is included?

  • (5) Foundational Seasonal Bloodworks
  • (2) Hair Toxicity & Deficiency Tests
  • (2) 184 IgG Food Allergy Tests
  • (5) Printable PDF Personalized Lab Results Booklet
  • (5) 1-on-1 bloodwork review with Dr. Justin where he will show you what is going on, what steps you need to take during this season, and give you personalized recommendations for that season using food, supplements, herbs, etc... to correct the underlying issue


The Level 4 Seasonal Bloodwork is used after you have completed the 4 Seasonal Bloodworks (spring, summer, fall, winter).

We now have a normal range for you in each of the 4 season and will test you every 6 months for the next 2 years to make sure we see and maintain the changes with our new current lifestyle.

These labs give us a detailed picture of how you interact with your new environment, seasonal food, each seasons, stress, seasonal supplementation, and seasonal exercise. They also tell us which organs, tissues, and cells are maybe struggling before it is too late and causes a problem in the future.

Again, with all this information from these labs & seasonal concepts we will be able to work together to fine tune your seasonal lifestyle to give your body what it needs (food, supplements, herbs, exercise, etc..) to restore function and balance back in the season

Who is this for?

If you have purchase one of our Seasonal Challenges or are part of the 4 Season Challenge and would like a more customized and individualized recommendations tailored to your health goals as we work with the body in the appropriate season

If you want to know where you are at before you start each season and then see how much progress you have made each and every season towards your health goal. It is fun to see all the hard work you did over the season and who doesn't want to see the "life-long disease" disappear.

What is included?

  • (3) Foundational Seasonal Bloodworks
  • (2) Hair Toxicity & Deficiency Tests
  • (2) 184 IgG Food Allergy Tests
  • (3) Printable PDF comparing Personalized Lab Results Booklet of the last 4 seasons
  • (3) 1-on-1 bloodwork review with Dr. Justin where he will show you what is going on, what steps you need to take during this season, and give you personalized recommendations for that season using food, supplements, herbs, etc... to correct the underlying issue


If you are done playing the elimination guessing game on which foods are actually making you sick...(I promise they are different than what you think they are) and the cause of "WHY" you are having those reactions (mold, yeast, toxicity, leaky gut, parasites)

If you are suffering from:

  • Pain in muscles, joints, and stomach region
  • Heaviness & fullness in stomach area leading to bloating, gassy, constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Blood in stool
  • Headache & Migraines
  • and “WHY" you are having those reactions (mold, yeast, toxicity, leaky gut. parasites) so that you can heal your body and reintroduce your favorite foods back into your diet in the right season.
  • Automimmue disease
  • Hormone Imbalance

You need to get this test ASAP.

  • This is not like any other food allergy will test 95 of the most common foods along with the 89 of the most common alternatives to those foods.

What is included?

  • (1) 184 IgG Food Allergy Tests
  • (1) Printable PDF Personalized Lab Results
  • (1) 1-on-1 consult with a specialist who will help you figure out "why" you are creating food allergies and then give you customized recommendation and strategies to help you restore normal function in the body so you can eat your favorite foods again!


The NL Foundational Bloodwork goes beyond traditional bloodwork you get from your typical medical doctor because it dives deep into the health of each organ noting it's: overall function, production, absorption, and effects it has on the body so it leaves no room for guessing!

What is include

  • (1) Foundational Seasonal Bloodworks
  • (1) Printable PDF Personalized Lab Results Booklet
  • (1) 1-on-1 bloodwork review with Dr. Justin where he will show you what is going on, what steps you need to take during this season, and give you personalized recommendations for that season using food, supplements, herbs, etc...He will also cover what needs to be done in the future to prevent this from happening again.


If you are frustrated with the supplement game of take this supplement for this symptom and another supplement for a different symptom thinking how is this different from taking a medication from a doctor who chases symptoms? This test will let us know which heavy metals you have in your body, where they came from, what they are doing in the body, how to eliminate them, and if you are even eliminating them.

Second, it will let us know what minerals you are deficient in, which minerals are at toxic load, and how we need to go about fixing it!

What is include

  • (1) Hair Toxicity & Deficiency Test
  • (1) Printable PDF Personalized Lab Results Booklet
  • (1) 1-on-1 review with Dr. Justin where he will show you what is going on, what steps you need to take during this season, and give you personalized recommendations for that season using food, supplements, herbs, etc...He will also cover what needs to be done in the future to prevent this from happening again.


Combining the power of the NL Foundational Bloodwork and Hair Toxicity & Deficiency Test allows us to go more in depth of how the body as a whole is functioning, producing, detoxing, and absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxins over the last 3 months.

With these results we will be able to create a individualized game plan using food, herbs, movement, thought, sleep, exercise etc.. to assist your body in the healing process.

What is include

  • (1) Foundational Seasonal Bloodworks
  • (1) Hair Toxicity & Deficiency Test
  • (1) Printable PDF Personalized Lab Results Booklet
  • (1) 1-on-1 bloodwork review with Dr. Justin where he will show you what is going on, what steps you need to take during this season, and give you personalized recommendations for that season using food, supplements, herbs, etc...He will also cover what needs to be done in the future to prevent this from happening again.



1...The Foundational Bloodwork is tell us the overall health of each organ, how they are working together, and the effects on the entire body as a whole....

2...The Hair Toxicity and Deficiency Test goes into detail about the level of heavy metal toxicity in the body, how we are detoxing the metal and other toxins, and if we are breaking down our food into usable material like minerals.

3...The Food Allergy Test lets us know the health of the immunes system, the digestive system, and how stress is affecting our body so the stressors (food) can be remove until we find out and correct "why" you are having these reactions to food. They are not normal!

  • Having all 3 test done together is what we call the TRIFECTA...This will eliminate the guessing game of what to do, why we are doing it, and how we got here. Having all three of these test is what we recommend as a starting point if you have a chronic illness, 1 or more autoimmune diseases, and if you have tried everything and don't know where to start. 

What is included?

  • (1) Foundational Seasonal Bloodwork
  • (1) Hair Toxicity & Deficiency Tests
  • (1) 184 IgG Food Allergy Tests
  • (1) Printable PDF Personalized Lab Results Booklet
  • (1) 1-on-1 bloodwork review with Dr. Justin where he will show you what is going on, what steps you need to take during this season, and give you personalized recommendations for that season using food, supplements, herbs, etc... to correct the underlying issue


Do you already have your own recent labs (within the last 3-6 months) and want Dr. Justin to look at them and give you a second opinion on them?

If so, click the link below to upload your labs and schedule your review with Dr. Justin


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All Rights Reserved * Idaho Falls, ID 83404

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