Hey There! Is Working with Me Right for You?

I can Best Help You in 1 of 3 Ways

What does it look like to work with me?

First off, I work with 3 types of clients and can best serve them in 1 of 3 ways

  1. Those who feel lost, confused, and don't know where to start.

  2. Those who feel broken, unfixable, and a sense of hopelessness.

  3. I work with those who feel both lost and broken

There are 3 Type of Clients I work with


Options 1 Seasonal Membership

This option is for those who love to figure things out on their own and just need a little guidance, support, and accountability along the way when they get hung up. This is for those individuals like you who can follow a proven method when given the right tools, resources, and guidance. They just feel lost, confused, and overwhelmed trying to put all the pieces together after after all their tests and blood work came back "normal" and yet they still feel like crap all of the time.

They have a gut feeling something isn't right and the doctors are just missing something and if they can just find it they could get better.

They know deep down if they keep going down this path of "let's wait and see" their health is only going to get worse. They know they need to take matter into their own hands but are scared and don't know where to start.

They are ready and willing to learn. They know they need to make changes but they just don't have the time, energy, and resources to get all the bump and bruising along the way (learning curve):They want result quickly but know they need a guide, a mentor, a teacher to LEAD, TEACH, and INSPIRE them if they want to avoid the pain of trying to figure things out on their own.

They want a proven repeatable step-by-step method (path) they can rely on that brings results without taking up too much time, energy, and effort.

They have their own health goals already set and just need to place support and hold them accountable in reach those goals. They want to be more than just a number on a test or bloodwork.

If this sounds like you click the link below to learn more about the Seasonal Membership and how we can work together in getting your health back.


Option 2: VIP Seasonal Membership

This option is for those who have been passed around from doctor to doctor, having test after test done, and are currently taking a fist full of prescribed medication wanting to have help naturally to get off but don't know where to start. This is the individual who need more guidance as they walk through a proven system. They need more than direction they need some 1-on-1 support to help them stay focused and accountable.

These are the individuals who have decided if they want to get better they needed to take matters into their own hands by changing the way they eat. They have tried the latest fad diet (keto, paleo, gluten & dairy-free), are taking a handful of supplements several times a day with not much change.

After all this effort, time, and money not much has changed so they "feel broken". They find themselves on the edge of giving up, losing hope of ever feeling better but then they look around and find a reason to keep pushing forward. To keep searching for the cause of "why" they are still sick so that they can take the necessary steps to finally fix it and again live life on their own terms.They want to experience a quick change to know they are not broken and can heal, but they also know they need a proven method to guide them along the journey.

They know they need and want a support system that can hold them accountable. They know they need a guide, mentor, health coach, and a teacher to guide them through the ups and downs of healing so they can focus on what matters most in life, living it without regret.

If this is what you need. Click the button below to learn more about the VIP Seasonal Membership


Option 3 Mentorship Membership

This option is for those who need more 1-on-1 help. It is for those who have been there and done that with little to no results. This is for those who want to take the learning curve out of it and have Dr. Justin guide and support them every step of the way through the NEXT LEVEL Method so that they can experience result at a faster pace. This is for those who want to be told what to do and will do it.

This is also for those who feel both "Broken" and "Lost".

I can only take 10 of these memberships a month because of the time, energy, and commitment I give to each member in this membership. It is by application only. I requires you come to Idaho to work with me directly for a week.


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All Rights Reserved * Idaho Falls, ID 83404

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