If you are finally ready to get your health and life back then I would like to offer you a gift. It just requires you to clicking the orange schedule button to claim 1 of the 20 spots I have RSVP for those who are truly serious about getting their health and life back!

My Name is Dr. Justin T. Hammon

I help my clients who are suffering from one or more health issues get their health and life back naturally by Teaching, Leading, and Inspiring them through our proven personalized Home-Centered, Doctor-Guided Program.

I can help you if you are...

ready to get off the medical merry-go-round of drugs after drug, surgery after surgery, and doctor after doctor...I am here to help!

looking for answers to your digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalances, headaches/migraines, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and insomnia...This is what I do, you have come to the right place!

wanting a natural holistic approach that will fix your health issues and show you how to grow your health year after year...Then you need our NEXT LEVEL Method Home Centered-Doctor Guided Program!

If this is you, I would personally like to welcome you to our NEXT LEVEL website where we will EMPOWER you with information, tools, and resources to guide you along your health journey in RESTORING your health so that you can Experience & Express the life you were designed to live!

You might be asking yourself, what make your approach so unique and different than what I have already tried?

Let me first start by saying chronic health problems are NOT normal! We have been lead to believe and accepted sickness as the "norm". We have been told by doctors, friends, and neighbors they are normal, genetic, and just a part of the aging process. When did we start agreeing and become OK with being chronically sick? I know I am not!

In today's society, we are so accepting of autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalances, insomnia, headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain as a normal way of life and just something you have to live with for the rest of your life? I am not ok with this either are you?Are you looking for something different?If so, keep reading.

What if I told you your autoimmune disorder, digestive issues, or even hormone imbalances can be corrected...would you believe me? At this point you might be ready to burn me at the stake right now but please hear me out.

Your body was created & designed to heal itself as long as there is no interference in the healing process. Let me explain this with an example: If you cut your finger, does it heal? Absolutely, as long as there is not interference preventing it from healing. We know the body is designed to heal than why are you not healing?

It is because there is an interference in the master control system preventing you from healing and correcting this interference is what we call the X-Factor as part of the NEXT LEVEL Method.

The master control system consist of the brain, spinal cord, and it nerves. Isn't it cool how we have a skull, spine, ribs, and tissue to protect this master control system? This master control system coordinates and controls every function of our body and mind. When these communication pathways are flowing from brain to body and body back to brain without any interference the body is self-healing, robust, and self-regulating. But when any interference impedes this flow, like static on a cellphone, communication is compromised and the body starts doing its own thing (like what we see with autoimmune disease when the body starts attacking itself). This in turn compromised our ability to self-heal and self-regulate leading to chronic health issues as the body begins to break down faster than it can repair itself.

Our approach at NEXT LEVEL is to first find out where and what these interferences are that are causing you so many chronic health issues and symptoms. Second, create a step-by-step process to remove them. Third, restore order back to the master control system by re-establishing the broken communication pathways from brain to body and body back to brain so that the body can once again become self-healing, robust, and self-regulating.

In essence our NEXT LEVEL Method Home Centered-Doctor Guided program designed to:

1-Find the interferences that is stopping you from fully healing and remove them.

2-Restore the communication pathways from brain to body and body back to brain

3-Creating a lifestyle that works with your body not against it to prevent it from returning

4-Reverse the damage caused by the dis-ease and grow your health year after year.

This is the process of how we have helped thousands just like you get your life and health back!

You'll receive instant access to our FREE Training

The Purpose of this website is to EMPOWER you with information, tools, and resources to guide you along your health journey in RESTORING your health so that you can Experience & Express the life you were designed to live!

Home-Centered, Doctor-Guided

This program is what I have developed over the last 12 years working with thousands of patients just like you restore their health even when they didn't think it was possible.

Doctor means teacher. If I don't teach you the laws of health and how to heal who will?

My mission is to TEACH, LEAD, & INSPIRE you on how to get well and stay well. I would love to be your guide through this healing process and journey.

I Want To Help!

Listen In!

In my podcasts, I dive deep into how the medical merry-go-round model is designed to keep you in it, sick, reliant, and in fear. It will, if it hasn't already, wore you down physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially!

I will share ancient healing principles and laws of health I have learned over the last 20 years studying that you can implement at home.

The truth is there is a better and simpler way to get your health and life back! The best part is...

It Doesn't Require Perfection!

Health-Specific Trainings

If you or someone you know is suffering from one or more health issues then you need to check out the FREE trainings on how the unique NEXT LEVEL Method can SAVE, CHANGE, & TRANSFORM your life and health.

On these trainings I pull back the curtain on how I help those who suffer with digestive problems, autoimmune disease, hormone imbalances, headaches, migraines, insomnia, depression, & anxiety get there life back!

You Can Heal!

Tools and Resources

We all need different tools at different times along our personal healing journey. This is why I have created these resources and tools for you to get what you need at the right time in your journey.

If you don't know where to start these guides will walk you through the process I used in my office. They were created and requested by those inside the program as a tool to support them along their personal health journey.

Success requires simple action and personal accountability. These resources have both

Let's Get Started!

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All Rights Reserved * Idaho Falls, ID 83404

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